NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - Land use Bylaw Amendments
December 4 2023
6:00 pm., January 23, 2024
Town of Cardston Council Chambers
PURSUANT to sections 216.4, 606, and 692(2) of the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, the Council of the Town of Cardston in the Province of Alberta hereby gives notice of its intention to consider proposed Bylaw No. 1647N, being a bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 1647, being the municipal land use bylaw.
WHEREAS the municipal council wishes to make an omnibus amendment to the Land Use Bylaw to address multiple matters as described below as to make other minor administrative and corresponding typographical changes. These matters include the renaming of the Agricultural District to Urban Fringe, along with comprehensive changes to the requirements for the District; provisions for over height fence development permits; clarification about the applicability of statutory plan provisions where inconsistent with the Land Use Bylaw; provision for the Development Officer to accept minor changes to an approved development permit; alignment of the size where an accessory building requires a development permit with the size requirements for building permits; establishing requirements for petroleum tanks over 100 lbs; establish a comprehensive regulatory framework for short-term rentals (ie. Air Bnbs) including land use definitions, standards and use allocation in particular land use districts; expand the time allowance for temporary use development permits; clarify signage requirements for home occupations; reduce the front yard setback requirement in the RC-M Land Use District; establish that separate service connections are required for semi-detached and multi-unit dwellings (except in a condominium scenario); clarify the intent for small scale (ie. non-commercial) solar collectors; and other changes as noted in Schedule A of the Bylaw.
THEREFORE, TAKE NOTICE THAT a public hearing to consider the proposed Bylaw No. 1647N will be held in the Town of Cardston Council Chambers at 6:00 pm. on January 23, 2024.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that anyone wishing to make a presentation regarding the proposed bylaw should contact the Municipal Administrator no later than 12:00 pm. on January 23, 2024. Both written and verbal presentations may be given at the public hearing.
A copy of the proposed bylaw may be inspected at the Town of Cardston municipal office during normal business hours.
DATED at the Town of Cardston in the Province of Alberta this 4 day of December, 2023.
Jeff Shaw
Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Cardston
Box 280
Cardston, Alberta T0K 0K0
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