Cardston and District FCSS
(View complete list of Programs below)
Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) provide preventative social services to the residents of Cardston and the surrounding area through direct programs and services to the community as well as a range of services offered through FCSS-funded community organizations.
Cardston & District FCSS has a significant impact on the social fabric of our community and the quality of life for our citizens. Our organization was made possible through a funding partnership between the four member Municipalities (Town of Cardston, Cardston County, Village of Glenwood, and the Village of Hill Spring) together with the Province of Alberta. We fund prevention based social programs that enhance individuals, families, or communities, social well-being in one or more of the following ways:
Help people to develop independence, strengthen coping skills and resistance to crisis;
Help people to develop an awareness of social needs;
Help people to develop interpersonal and group skills which enhance constructive relationships among people;
Help people and communities to assume responsibility for decisions and actions which affect them; and
Provide supports that help sustain people as active participants in the community.
Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) is a unique 80/20 funding partnership between the Government of Alberta and participating municipalities or Métis Settlements. Provincially, the FCSS Program receives its mandate from the Family and Community Support Services Act and Regulation.
At the local level, a municipality or Métis Settlement Council chooses whether to establish an FCSS Program and enters into an agreement with the Government of Alberta to jointly fund projects/services. These projects/services depend on community resources, often involving volunteers in management and delivery.
The FCSS philosophy is based on a belief that self-help contributes to a sense of integrity, self-worth and independence. Programs developed are intended to help individuals in their community to adopt healthy lifestyles, thereby improving the quality of life and building the capacity to prevent and/or deal with crisis situations should they arise.
One of the key principles of the FCSS Program is local responsibility for priority setting and resource allocation. Within the parameters of the FCSS Act and Regulation, each municipality or Métis Settlement determines how the FCSS funding they receive should be allocated to best meet the needs of their community. Local FCSS Programs are part of the larger provincial Program that collectively helps to ensure that Albertans have access to a strong network of prevention supports.
A number of FCSS resources and publications such as the FCSS Program Handbook and the FCSS Program Advice Inventory Listing are available on the Alberta Human Services website HERE.
The Cardston and District FCSS office is located at the Town Office, at 67 – 3 Ave. W. in Cardston, Alberta.
FCSS Director:
Terah Thesen
Mailing Address: Box 280 Cardston, Alberta, T0K 0K0
Phone: (403) 653-5036
Email: terah@cardston.ca
Advisory Board:
Chair; Candace Atwood, Cardston County Member-At-Large
Vice-Chair; Sharon Quinton, Town of Cardston Member-At-Large
Cou. Paula Brown, Town of Cardston Council Rep.
Cou. Royce Leavitt, Cardston County Council Rep.
Deputy Reeve Kevin Quinton, Alternate Cardston County Rep.
Cou. Myron Lybbert, Village of Glenwood Council Rep.
Mayor Dwight Davis, Village of Hill Spring Council Rep.
Tanis Hardy, Town of Cardston Member-At-Large
Susan Wilde, Cardston County Member-At-Large
Peggy Sanders, Town of Cardston Member-At-Large