August 12 2024
The Young Citizen of the Year award is given to a youth who demonstrates selfless acts of service to their school or community at large by participating in programs or various initiatives or by helping fundraise for different projects.
This year’s award recipient is Hailey Shaw.
Hailey is an amazing young woman who goes above and beyond to be a friend and champion to those in need around her. She is going into Grade 7 this year and yet she is one of the strongest leaders. Each week at the Youth Centre, she can be found lifting up and mentoring the other youth there. She looks for those who are lonely and alone and reaches out to them. She is always friendly and smiling to everyone around her.
This year she served on the Epic Youth Council, the F.U.S.E. Team (which stands for Focused Ultimate Strategic Engagement). The Team meets once a month to plan activities, programs, ideas, fundraising events, community engagement projects, Main Street service projects, and other initiatives the youth can participate with. Hailey is a leader that helps her team initiate new programs. She is focused and engaged and is always brainstorming new ideas for projects.
She has been very active in the Main Street Outreach and helping participate in fundraising events. This year she was able to help raise $900.00 for the Home Run Derby. Impressive for someone so young.
Hailey is actively involved with the Cardston Food Bank and helps with the food drives. She is always the last one to leave and is always willing to stay to help clean up to make sure no one is doing all the work by themselves.
Hailey is a great friend and mentor to all the youth around her. She inspires change in others and empowers them to be better.
Congratulations, Hailey on being our Young Citizen of the Year!