Request for Proposals: Regional Transfer Stations Redevelopment
April 3 2024
RFP Title: | Regional Transfer Stations Redevelopment |
RFP Issue Date: | April 2, 2024 |
RFP Closing Date: | May 17, 2024 2:00 pm MST |
RFP Closing Location: | Town of Raymond Administration Building 210N 200W, Raymond, AB TOK 2SO |
Contact: | Marian Carlson, SEO |
Email: | |
Telephone: | 403-625-0201 |
The Chief Mountain Regional Solid Waste Services Commission (“the Commission”) is made up of the 11 member municipalities as well as the Blood Tribe Kainaiwa First Nation. The Commission is requesting proposals for the services of a qualified Consultant to review the current funding model and explore recapitalization of the existing regional Solid Waste Transfer Stations and consider new technologies or methods for improved environmentally friendly handling of solid waste, organics and recyclables.
The Commission operates 15 regional Transfer Stations throughout Cardston County, the County of Warner and one on the Blood Tribe Kainaiwa First Nation. These buildings will require significant maintenance or reconstruction in the coming years.
Proponents shall submit one (1) physical copy and one (1) electronic copy of their sealed proposal, clearly marked with the name of the RFP Title.
A cover letter shall be provided with the proposal clearly stating the Consultants understanding of the services to be provided. The letter must include the name(s) of the person(s) who will be authorized to make representations for the Proponent, their title(s) and telephone number(s). The person signing the cover letter must be authorized to bind the Proponent.
Proposals, as a minimum, should include:
- Company Profile and Contact: A brief profile of your Company indicating the scope of its practice, the range of activities performed by the Identify the Proponent’s contact person, phone number and email address. State the main office address as well as the address and phone number of any local office that will manage or assist in managing this project.
- Experience with Solid Waste List current and past clients and describe your familiarity and experience with Solid Waste Management analysis.
- Team: Name and provide a brief resume of the key staff who would be assigned to this
- Implementation: Proposals must clearly show the Company’s understanding of the work to be performed, approach and commitment to perform the work within the time period specified. This would include the approach to be used to gain an understanding of the Commission’s structure and systems, as well as, a proposed schedule and specific techniques or processes to be used.
- Other Services: Description of the methodology to be used for keeping the Commission abreast of the progress.
- Fee Proposal:
Staff Assigned |
Hours |
Rate |
Fee |
Partners |
XX |
$XXX |
Managers |
XX |
Seniors |
XX |
Staff Support |
XX |
Total Hours/Fees |
XX |
Other Disbursements (identify)
Total Fixed Fee |
$XXX |
At all times, the Commission reserves the right to seek written clarification regarding a proposal from a Proponent. Such clarification shall be deemed an amendment to the Proponent’s proposal.
The scope of service to be provided by the Company as part of this project is summarized below. Tasks required to meet the project objective will be considered to be required under this Terms of Reference unless they are deemed unforeseeable or are required to meet expanded project objectives.
- Review the recapitalization of the existing 15 regional Transfer Stations
- Provide options for funding and operational responsibility for the Regional Transfer Stations
- Consider consolidation of existing Transfer Stations into Superstations
- Consider new technologies or methods for improved environmentally friendly handling of solid waste, organics and recyclables
- Consider and explore new technologies to leverage the waste and use it as feedstock to create a usable by-product or to generate electricity
- Establish accurate cost estimates that the Board can use to plan how best to fund the eventual improvements
- Provide alternative annual funding models to compare against the existing per-capita expense requisition model.
The project must be completed by December 31, 2024.
The proposal shall be submitted no later than 2:00 pm MST on May 17, 2024 in a sealed envelope or containers marked with the RFP title and addressed to:
Chief Mountain Regional Solid Waste Services Commission
Attention: Marian Carlson, SEO
c/o Town of Raymond Administration Building
210N 200W, Raymond, AB TOK 2SO
All questions regarding the RFP shall be directed to the contact person listed below prior to the submission date.
Marian Carlson, SEO
Chief Mountain Regional Solid Waste Services Commission Box 1711, Cardston, AB TOK OKO
Phone: 403-625-0201
Ratings will be confidential and no details will be released to any of the Proponents. The proposals, as submitted, shall be evaluated in accordance with the following factors:
Evaluation Criteria |
Weight |
Team Record of Performance and Experience |
15 |
Implementation |
20 |
Other Services |
10 |
Quality of Proposal |
10 |
Schedule/Deliverability |
15 |
Fee Schedule |
30 |
100 |
The Commission will select one or more Proponent(s) who submitted a proposal with whom the Commission, in its sole and unfettered discretion, will negotiate regarding the terms of a contract for service.
The successful Proponent will be notified by June 30, 2024.
The Commission reserves the right to modify the terms of the RFP prior to the submission date at its sole discretion. Proponents will be advised of any changes or modifications in writing from the Commission. The Commission reserves the right to cancel the RFP at any time prior to entering into a contract with the successful Proponent.
The proposals received shall remain irrevocable for a period of sixty (60) days following the RFP Closing in order to allow for the Commission to undertake the evaluation of the proposals received and to undertake the negotiations as provided for herein.
By submitting a proposal, a Proponent agrees:
- That it has fully satisfied itself as to its rights and the nature extended to the risks it will be assuming;
- That it has gathered all information necessary to perform all of its obligations under its proposal;
- That it is solely responsible for ensuring that it has all information necessary to prepare its proposal and for independently verifying and informing itself with respect to any terms or conditions that may affect its proposal;
- To hold harmless the Commission, its Officials, Officers, Employees, Insurers, Agents or Advisors and all of their respective successors and assigns, from all claims, liability and costs related to all aspects of the RFP process;
- That it shall not be entitled to claim against the Commission, their Officials, Officers, Employees, Insurers, Agents or Advisors on grounds that any information, whether obtained from the Commission or otherwise (including information made available by its Officials, Officers, Employees, Agents or Advisors), regardless of the manner or form in which the information is provided is incorrect or insufficient;
- That the Commission will not be responsible for any costs, expenses, losses, damages or liability incurred by the Proponent as a result of, or arising out of, preparing, submitting, or disseminating a proposal, or for any presentations or interviews related to the proposal or due to the Commission’s acceptance or non-acceptance of a proposal; and
- To waive any right to contest in any proceeding, case, action or application, the right of the Commission to negotiate with any Proponent for the contract whom the Commission deems, in their sole and unfettered discretion, to have submitted the proposal most beneficial to the Commission and acknowledges that the Commission may negotiate and contract with any Proponent it desires.
The Proponent acknowledges and agrees that this procurement process is a Request for Proposal and is not a tendering process. It is part of an overall procurement process intended to enable the Commission to identify a potential successful Proponent. The submission of a proposal does not constitute a legally binding agreement between the Commission and any Proponent. For greater certainty, by submission of its proposal, the Proponent acknowledges and agrees that there will be no initiation of contractual obligations or the creation of contractual obligations between the Commission and the Proponent arising from the RFP or the submission of a proposal. Further, the Proponent acknowledges that a proposal may be rescinded by a Proponent at any time prior to the execution of the contract.
Information pertaining to this project and to the Commission obtained by the Proponent as a result of the Proponent participation in this RFP is confidential and must not be disclosed by the Proponent except as authorized, in writing, by the Commission.
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of Alberta (FOIPP) applies to all information and records relating to, obtained by, generated by, created by, collected by, or provided under this RFP or the contract that are in the custody or control of the Commission.
The proposal and accompanying documentation becomes the property of the Commission and shall not be returned.
The law to be applied in respect of this RFP shall be the law of the Province of Alberta and all civil actions commenced in relation to this RFP shall be adjudicated by the Courts of the Province of Alberta. By submitting a proposal the Proponent is deemed to have agreed to attorn to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the Province of Alberta.