Recreation Facility Public Meeting: POSTPONED
March 3 2020
Postponed Until Further Notice.
2020-03-16 | As a result of the current COVID-19 situation, the public meeting for the proposed Rec Centre had been postponed until further notice.
For the past couple of years Town Council has been investigating the possibility of building a recreation facility in the Town of Cardston. A special committee was established to research possibilities for the Town, and they have been conducting surveys and investigating communities across Alberta in search of a facility the Town could afford, and that would suit the needs and wants of the people of Cardston and area.
Council now has all the information they need in order to proceed with the project, and is prepared to answer the following questions:
What is the cost for this facility?
How do we fund this project?
How will the facility affect the citizen’s taxes?
What will a pass for the facility cost?
Where will this facility be located?
What is the time frame for construction?
What will be in the facility?
At this time it still hasn’t been determined if this project will move forward, which is why Council is hosting a Public Meeting to discuss the matter. Before Council proceeds with this project they want everyone in Cardston to be educated and informed on the impact this facility will have on our community, and discuss both the pros and cons of investing in such a significant piece of infrastructure.
To learn the answers to the questions presented above, and to have the opportunity to present your own questions, thoughts or concerns, or express what you feel the rec centre should offer, please attend and participate in this public meeting.
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