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August 12 2024

A criteria for the Lifetime Citizen Achievement is to look not only at the volunteerism that the nominee offered over the years in our community, but also how the nominee went beyond the call of duty related to his profession.

This year, the Committee selected a very unique individual as the recipient of the Lifetime Citizen Achievement Award,… Dr. Brian Low, a name that is very familiar in our community. Dr. Low worked as a medical doctor in our community for 38.5 years prior to his retirement in 2021.

Over his years as a doctor, he was a Coroner for many years and was there to help people when tragedies happened, and not just at the hospital. He also helped deliver over a thousand babies in town and would often wait to leave on vacation until a baby was delivered. His children all remember how often their home phone would ring for him and how he was always so generous with his time to help people, even when he wasn’t on call.

Dr. Low was Chief of Staff for the Cardston Hospital on two occasions and served as Chief of Staff for the Blood Indian Hospital as well. Dr. Low helped advocate for programs at the hospital to better the mental and physical well-being of seniors and families.

As a community member, Dr. Low has served as a Rotarian with the Cardston Rotary Club for over 40 years. He has served as President of the Rotary on two occasions over that time period. He helped with many fundraisers for new playground equipment, equipment for the hospital, and many, many other community initiatives.  Some of the community projects he was heavily involved with are: Constructing the Rotary Reunion Centre, establishing the new playground at Lions Park, enhancing the walking path along the golf course area, building the spray park, helping get a new playground at the elementary school, and he helped with the fundraising efforts for the waterslides at the Cardston pool.

Dr. Low has been involved in our community by coaching softball for several years and he was known to bribe the kids with ice cream. We were told that all the kids started playing better as a result.

Dr. Low has also served for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints as Bishop and Stake President.  His service in these positions has blessed the lives of so many people in our community through his counselling, guidance and individual attention.

As you can see, Dr. Brian Low has worked tirelessly in our community, helping to make it a better place to live and play.

Congratulations, Dr. Low, on receiving our 2024 Lifetime Citizen Achievement award!

Watch the presentation on Youtube

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