COVID-19 UPDATE - September 9th
September 3 2021
Letter to Citizens - September 3, 2021
Dear citizens,
The Summer is coming to an end and schools are in full session. Children are back in the classroom and parents have resumed their regular routines. A Federal Election is upon us with voting on September 20th. You should receive a voting card in the mail specifying where and when you can cast your vote. I encourage all eligible voters to take the time to vote by mail or in person. It is indeed a unique opportunity for each of us to express our personal opinion and have a say regarding the election of the next Federal Government. Likewise in October, you will have the privilege to participate in Municipal Elections. Come to know the candidates, understand what they stand for, and see who best will represent your views and the common interests of the community prior to casting your vote at the ballot box. When I became a Canadian Citizen, I could not wait for the day I could cast my vote to fully participate in the democratic process, by expressing my views and assuming my civic duties. It was indeed a great honor for me to do so.
I will now give you a Covid-19 update. It is a rather sombre and stark reality to admit that in our South Health Region we are fully in the midst of a 4th wave due for the most part to the Covid-19 variant that is mainly targeting the unvaccinated and the vaccinated with other underlying conditions. Last week we reported 59 active cases. This week we have over 136 active cases in the Cardston-Kainai Health region. Many families in town have been affected with grave sickness. The hospital is still full of Covid patients and more patients have been sent to Lethbridge to be on respirators. Sadly, we need to report that Seniors already with compromised immunity have succumbed to the disease this past week. We want to extend our sincere condolences to all the families who recently lost a loved one to Covid. These are very hard and uncertain times for all, however we can stay positive and hopeful by remaining vigilant and doing our part to protect ourselves and our loved ones. According to AHS and the medical professionals, simple measures as self-distancing, sanitizing and masking when needed, or required, are preventative, and to add to these steps, vaccination is highly recommended to protect ourselves and those around us, especially those who cannot be vaccinated because of age or medical reasons. Effective tomorrow, September 4, masking is now required in all public indoor spaces in all Alberta. Please be kind and respectful to our local businesses who are asking you to wear a mask in their businesses. We do not need this to be contentious issue with our businesses. They are working hard to stay open and be compliant with the legislation.
The aim of these restrictions is to create immunity for our communities. Our individual efforts can only bare positive results in the fight against a disease we have to learn to live with. We need to work together to fight this virulent disease. Together, we can win this battle!
Last week, we let you know that Cllr Barnes was in Lethbridge in ICU. I am pleased to let you know that he is on the mend and out of ICU, feeling incredibly grateful to be alive and so thankful for all your prayers on his and his wife behalf. He is getting stronger day by day and very positive about the future. We wish him a full recovery.
Regarding Council matters, I am terribly sad to hear of the passing of Mr. Corey McCarthy. Corey has been recording and broadcasting Council meetings for the Town since he was a teenager working with his Dad on Channel 32. Our sympathies to his family at this time.
Council will resume their regular schedule on September 7, meeting on the First Tuesday of the Month for Council Committee of the Whole and on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the Month for Council Meeting. So, altogether, we will meet 5 more times prior to our Municipal Elections on October 18th. On October 26th, the new Council will be officially sworn in, assignments to committees will be released and a review of the organizational by-law will take place. Very exciting times indeed for the next Council!
Indigenous Day – September 30th – On September 7th, Councillors will discuss and make a recommendation to Council regarding the implementation at the municipal level of a day of reflection in honor of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Children. Starting this year, September 30th will be an official holiday for Federal Employees. At their first meeting in September, our local School Board trustees have declared September 30th as an official day of reflection with no school attendance.
Please remember to always secure your belongings, your home and car to avoid crimes of opportunity. Remember to call 911 or the local RCMP detachment if you need help or witness some unusual things going on in your neighborhood. And, please, for your own safety, do not take matters into your own hands. No matter what time of the day or night, call the RCMP or 911.
Enjoy this long weekend and stay safe!
Always at your service.
Mayor Kronen