COVID-19 UPDATE - June 4th
June 4 2021
Letter to citizens June 4th, 2021
Dear citizens,
Today, I will give you an update on the Covid situation in our health area as well as information on related items.
Covid 19- Update
Since my last release, number of active cases continue to come down following the same encouraging trend in the Country and in the Province. In the Cardston-Kainai area, as of today Friday June 4th, we
have 17 active cases for a total of 1026 cases since the beginning of the pandemic, with a total of 17 casualties to the disease.
I want to thank you all for having taken the necessary precautions to significantly flatten the curve. Following the AHS protocol of hand washing, sanitizing, self-distancing, mask wearing when needed, avoiding large parties and crowds as is still a very good way to avoid a resurgence of the spread of the disease. To all who have made the decision and who took the time to get vaccinated, you are now part of the solution in the battle against this Covid-19 virus. We still need to see our number of vaccinations increase in our area to become less prone to a reoccurring infection and to be able to resume more normal activities and socializing with friends and family. It is only when herd immunity is reached that this can happen and that restrictions will be lifted. We are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but we are not out of it yet! If you are still wondering if you should get the vaccine, please take time to talk with your physician and/or your spiritual leaders about your concerns. Vaccines are readily available at the Health Center, in most pharmacies as well as at the Clinic. You can book a second shot now. Your date for the second dose will depend when you had the first dose. So check it out. If you received your first
shot at the Montana Border Crossing, please be advised that the June 8 and 9 clinic will be available, but the Federal Government has now imposed 14 day quarantine upon re-entry to Canada. We hope to see this changed by next week. So best to book your second shot locally at this point, unless the quarantine order is lifted, but according to a letter I just received from MP Motz, there are no indication that it will happen. We are all in need of more freedom and less restrictions and hopefully soon no more restrictions. Together we can make it happen. Let's do it!
Covid-19 and Park and Rec facilities
There has been much frustration expressed on Facebook regarding the recent Town's posting about the Spray Park reopening. Town Council and Administration have a difficult balancing act to negotiate due to Covid-19 restrictions. We want to see the facilities reopened but we also need to make sure it is done properly. We are not trying to frustrate people, but we beg for patience and understanding. Our Town Administrator has a duty to follow AHS guidelines regarding the reopening of facilities to the public. When the posting was released, the direction regarding Pool and Spray Park was not totally clear.
Furthermore, the Spray Park had been vandalized and needed total cleaning of the spray nozzles.
Today we are pleased to announce that we will reopen the Spray Park for the pleasure of our young people and their families, but we ask you to follow the AHS guidelines posted around the Park. It is only for the protection of all users and it is at their own risk.
The Pool is being prepared to be reopened, but clearer guidelines need to be given by AHS and the Government regarding capacity and number of participants allowed at once for lessons or free swim.
Covid-19 and celebrations
Due to the uncertainty regarding the reopening of large group activities, Council has decided this past Tuesday to only provide fireworks for the July 1 Celebration. It will follow the similar format as last year. People will be able to stay in their cars and watch the beautiful display. It does not stop you of enjoying small gathering to celebrate Canada Day if regulations allow.
More fun will be available for our August Heritage Week Cel ebrat io ns. · Hopefully by then, we will be able to have the regular offering of festivities, however we also have a plan B if restrictions are not fully lifted. So stay posted. Many thanks to our busy activity committee for putting it all together.
Unrelated items of importance
We had questions regarding the work that is happening on the North side of the Creek where there is a serious construction site. This project is the Twinning of the Sewer Lin e. Phase 1 was the drilling under the
creek and has been completed successfully. We are now starting Phase 2 of the
project. Pipes are now going to be installed under the creek just above the bed rock in order not to disturb the river bed. Phase 2 of this project should be completed in the month to come. Phase 3 will then connect this section to existing sewer lines on the West and East side of Town. This infrastructure project was fully funded by grants and will offer greater security regarding sewer management in Town.
On a similar topic, the Sewer Plant retrofit infrastructure project will soon be fully costed and a strategy established to proceed in Phases for its complete installation starting this summer. It is a complex and very costly project. The Town has applied for a grant that will cover 50% of the cost, with the other 50% coming from Reserves.
We also had questions regarding what is happening on the old Tourist Hut area on the South side of town by the Bridge.
The Town is doing the prep work to see the Niitsiitaapi Monument installed. This monument was a project that Mrs. Kara Baldwin and her First Nation Students spearheaded two years ago as a memorial to all First Nations students who died in residential schools and as a result of the Baker Massacre in Montana. This is Phase 1 of the project. Prior to the start of the work, the land was blessed by a Blood Tribe elder, Mr, Mountain Horse. The unveiling should happen towards the end of the month. Phase 2 of this project will see the surrounding area beautified to create a small park where one can reflect and pause to find peace at the water's edge.
Safety and Security
Enjoy the wonderful weather, take your water and sunscreen with you. Watch that your pets do not suffer from this heat wave and continue to take the proper safety precautions to not become victim of crime of opportunity. Secure your home, property and belongings and do not leave valuables in your car, nor keep your car unlocked when parked.
To our 2021 Graduates
To all our CHS Graduating Students, our sincere and heartfelt congratulations. May you continue on your journey with a brightness of hope, with enthusiasm and determination. You are the masters of our own destiny.
Always at your service,
Mayor Kronen