MEDIA RELEASE: Cardston Prohibition Consultation
May 17 2023
In 2020, the Alberta government introduced Bill 2, which, among other items removed the general prohibition status of areas in Southern Alberta including Cardston. The new legislation allowed for the local municipal Council to determine if alcohol could be sold and what types of liquor licenses could be granted in the community.
In 2022, Cardston Town Council was approached by a local restaurant owner requesting that Council consider the ability for this restaurant to be licensed. Also at this time, Town Council was planning for a new golf clubhouse at the golf course and discussing the possibility of this being a licensed facility as well.
Town Council has the ability to make the decision on these matters without any input from the public, but felt that it would be a good idea to solicit feedback via a vote of the electors on the proposed land use bylaw changes what would allow for Type A Licenses at restaurants, and Type B Licenses in recreation facilities (golf course in this case).
The Town recently hosted a public open house on the matter on April 24, 2023 to help answer questions from the public on this proposal. The Town also has a website information on the proposal, the historical and current legislation, and a place for residents to send comments or questions related to the matter. This can be found at:
The vote of the electors will be held on May 29, 2023 at the Jim & Mark Kearl Library. The question to be voted on is as follows:
“Are you in favour of passing Bylaw 1647K and allowing limited liquor sales in Town by restricting the sale of liquor to only Class A liquor licences in restaurants and Class B liquor licences in recreational facilities (Golf Course and Agridome)?
The results of the vote are non-binding, and Council will use this as one piece of the community feedback as they deliberate on how to navigate the issue. Should Council wish to proceed with the bylaw further after the vote of the electors, a public hearing will be held prior to any further readings of the bylaw.
Please contact the Town of Cardston office or consult the website above with any additional questions on the matter.
Mayor and Council,
Town of Cardston
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