COVID-19 UPDATE - August 13, 2021
August 13 2021
Letter to citizens Aug 13, 2020
Dear citizens,
I hope that you are making the best of this very hot summer with family and friends! School will start again soon, and so enjoy the outdoors as much as you can, building wonderful memories!
Today, I will give you a quick update on Covid related and non-related matters.
Covid 19 Update
Since my last release, active cases are once again on the up-trend in the Cardston-Kainai Health region. As of August 11, we had 12 active cases, doubling up from 2 weeks ago. This similar trend is experienced throughout the Province of Alberta, as it is also the case in British Columbia and in Manitoba. As we soon go back to our routine in about 6 weeks, it is important for us all to stay cautious and not assume that we are no longer vulnerable, even if vaccinated. The Delta variant is well alive and seems to find its targets readily and quickly, especially in the unvaccinated population. It is up to each family and each of us to review our personal situation and act accordingly for the common good. Our united aim is to keep each other safe from this lingering disease and avoid a massive 4th wave of infection that would trigger new and undesired provincial restrictions. Together, we can do it and enjoy our newfound freedoms!
Heritage Days Celebrations
As Mayor and Council, we want to thank all those who participated in the organization of this extremely successful Heritage Week Celebration. There were activities for all ages, for families and individuals, all culminating with the parade and the superb and long fireworks! To you all who came to partake of the festivities, who played and lined up the streets and the hills, thank you for your presence! We know by your comments that you had great fun! A big Thank you to Council and especially to Cllr Brown for making it all happen!
Upcoming elections
Just another plug for those who would like to participate in the upcoming municipal elections: You have up to noon on Sep 20th to turn in your nomination papers. You can call the office at 403 653 3366 to obtain more information regarding the requirements, or come to the office to retrieve a packet for new elected officials. If you want to speak to someone in Administration regarding Town’s matters, please notify the office to schedule an appointment with our CAO.
For your information, Cllr Bengry and Cllr Drew have officially notified Council and Administration that they will not be running in the upcoming election. We want to thank them for their dedication and service to the Town and wish them well in the future. As for the rest of Council, no public release has been made. Stay posted!
Updates will be given on our website. Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your summer!
It is truly a pleasure to serve you!