COVID-19 UPDATE - November 27th
November 27 2020
Letter to citizens,
Nov 27, 2020
Dear citizens,
I will give you a Covid-19 update in our Health region and on related items of Council’s Business.
As you are mostly aware through the media, the Covid-19 situation is rather grim in the Country and especially in Alberta at this time. Numbers have skyrocketed these last weeks. In our Health region that encompasses the Blood Tribe, Cardston and the County of Cardston, numbers are once again on the rise. As of today , Friday Nov 27 AM, we have 38 active cases in our health region with 5 confirmed active cases on the Blood reserve without further casualties to the disease. We wish all those affected by Covid-19 in our Town , in the County and on the Reserve a speedy recovery.
If the first wave did not affect our children and young people, this is no longer the case. We also have many elderly and immuno-compromised citizens in our Town that are rightfully very concerned regarding the rapid spread of the disease in our area and community. At this critical time, I would urge you all to review with your loved ones how we can individually and collectively curb this new threatening wave without pushing Council to impose stricter measures on our citizens. We are on the watch.
Following the Alberta Health Services guidelines is a sure way to flatten the curve: Wash your hands frequently, sanitize your hands often when you cannot wash, keep your distances, 6 feet or 2 meters apart, wear a mask, preferably a 3 ply mask and well fitted when you cannot physically distance, for your protection and that of others around you. A mask alone will not fully protect me or you, but in conjunction with proper sanitation and physical distancing, we all stand a better chance to avoid catching the virus. Stay at home if you are not feeling well and strictly follow guidelines on gathering to avoid further community transmission.
This week, our Premier, Mr. Jason Kenney, has given us new directions at this crucial time. These new measures have been taken in coordination with our Chief Medical Officer to stop the rapid transmission in our communities. I strongly suggest that you review these and act accordingly. And simply do what is right without being compelled to do so.
When shopping in town, please be aware of new Covid-19 provincial regulations for businesses. There is now a limit on the number of people allowed to shop in a store at one time. Be patient and understanding, service may be slower but stores are still open for our convenience. Let us do our best to support them.
None of us like to be told what to do, but if we consciously follow AHS simple guidelines and new government ‘s directions, we will be part of the solution to combat this new wave of virus’ attacks on our loved ones, on our businesses, on our economy and on our individual communities. Let us help each other to be safe. I know that together we can do it! I count on you!
On another topic: The proposed Recreation Center
Covid-19 cancelled the possibility of holding an open house to hear our citizens’ views regarding the conceptual building of a recreation facility in Cardston. Council has now opted for a statistically relevant poll to be taken in Cardston to gage the support of the population for such Rec project. We do not have the final cost figures as of yet, but in anticipation of potential support by the Community, Council has approved in principle and capped at 1 Million dollars, the Town’s maximum contribution towards this capital project . External sources of funding are expected to complete the full financing of this infrastructure. The million dollar is funded by postponing some non critical , non urgent utility projects at this time. Therefore, the tax payer will not see a tax increase to build this facility. Please keep posted for further updates.
Keep safe, be wise and stay healthy!
Mayor Kronen