2020 Lifetime Citizen Achievement Award
August 12 2020
Andy and Joan Strang
Andy and Joan Strang moved to Cardston in the early 1970’s and have faithfully served the citizens of Cardston, Cardston County, the Blood Reserve, and those of the surrounding area for the past 50 years.
Andy is a very kind and gentle man. He has helped organize and serves at the Heritage Days pancake breakfasts every year, and helps clean up after both every year. He worked very closely with Dr. Glen Jones to bring the mini chuck wagon races to Cardston. He has volunteered to help at the Festival of Lights and put up many of the lights himself. For the past 10 years, Andy has volunteered his time with the set up for the Annual Cardston-Kainai Pow-wow.
Andy has also served for the past 35 years with the Aetna Irrigation District as their Chairman of the Board during that time, a position he still holds today.
Andy has also served for an exponential amount of years with the Lion’s Club and has served as their Treasurer for the past 30 years. He also served many years on the Town’s Beautification Committee and Communities in Bloom Committee and organized the Town clean-up events every year.
Joan is a wonderful, kind-hearted woman. She was instrumental in the establishment of the Cardston Community Theatre and was one for the founding members of the Theatre. She served on their Board of Directors as the Treasurer for several years. Joan loves to sing and she joined the East Stake Choir in their performance of the “Messiah”. She has also been right there with Andy in everything that he does.
One cannot acknowledge Andy without acknowledging Joan as well.
Together, they have provided unlimited selfless community service and have been very active in the Faith Lutheran Church. Joan has served for many years as the leader of the Lutheran women’s organization in the church and Andy has served the seniors every Sunday at Lee Crest. Without Andy & Joan, there would not be the active Lutheran congregation in this community today if it weren’t for them and their true dedication to their church.
Andy has also been a strong supporter of both the pro-rodeo and amateur rodeo programs in Cardston. Dr. Strang was the Veterinarian in the community for many years and supported many agricultural events through the Vet Clinic and personally.
Andy and Joan show up to support all of the community activities that they can, whether it is fundraising dinners at the United Church, fundraising events for the Atwood soccer field, or just helping keep our community clean and tidy. Their word is their bond and your can count on them under all circumstances.
They are the perfect embodiment of what lifetime service is.
Congratulations Andy & Joan!