For Immediate Release: Town of Cardston to sign MOU with Blood Tribe
February 5 2024
Blood Tribe & Piikani Nation sign Memorandum of Understanding with Neighbouring Municipalities.
The Blood and Piegan Tribes of the Blackfoot Confederation (Kainai and Piikani First Nations) are meeting with representatives from the neighbouring municipalities of the Town of Cardston, Cardston County, MD of Pincher Creek, Town of Pincher Creek and the Town of Fort Macleod to enter into a memoranda of respect, understanding, and partnership (MOU) between the Blackfoot people and the surrounding communities entitled Kitsii’ihkoaaminooniksi - ‘We are all Neighbours’.
“It’s a starting point, an opportunity for us to forge a new relationship with the Kanai and Piikani.” — Tom Nish, Cardston County Councillor
“It’s more than signing a paper, It’s about action, how to bridge our communities, how to work together.” — Paula Brown, Town of Cardston Councillor
The MOU identifies areas of mutual interest and cooperation for the establishment of working committees in the areas of health and wellness, economic development, community planning, and communications. It also sets the framework for consultation; guiding the parties involved by the values of respect, understanding, and strong communication, endeavoring to ensure the perspectives of each party are adequately and meaningfully considered in any work that may affect another’s social, cultural, environmental and economic interests.
“We have to look to the future, let’s not go back to the past. Today’s a new day… they’re our neighbours, they’re our friends, our kids go to school together and when both communities do well, everybody benefits.”— Cam Francis, Cardston County Councillor
“We, the Municipal District of Pincher Creek, look forward to working with our neighboring First Nations. We would like to come together with the Councils and Elders of the Blackfoot Nation, to work toward repairing past hurts, and learn how to move forward into a more inclusive future together. We need to come together to partner in developing an understanding of each other’s challenges, and create partnerships to assist with each other’s goals.” — Tony Bruder, MD of Pincher Creek Councillor
“The Town of Fort Macleod welcomes this great opportunity to support this neighborly and respectful agreement with our Blackfoot neighbors. Our community looks forward to working with our neighbors in a very collaborative on mutual areas of interest. This is a monumental agreement and thank all that have helped us get to this day together.” — Brent Feyter, Town of Fort Macleod Mayor.
The signing of the MOU will take place on February 9th, 2024 as part of a special ceremony hosted at Red Crow College on the Blood reserve. Delegates from each member municipality will be in attendance for this monumental undertaking.