COVID-19 UPDATE - March 19th
March 19 2021
Letter to citizens March 19, 2021
Dear citizens,
We are once again experiencing a sharp spike in Covid-19 cases in our Cardston-Kainai Health region, that includes the Town of Cardston, the County of Cardston and the Blood reserve. As of Friday morning March 19, 2021 we have 96 active cases for a total of 715 cases since the beginning of the pandemic. We are grateful that there was no casualty due to Covid-19 this past week and the total number of deaths stands at 13.
We recognize that our schools are taking steps to protect students, teachers and staff from the COVID virus. The Westwind School Division Superintendent and some of the school principals have sent out letters and videos addressing recent concerns. Please see the School Division web site for more information on this.
We appreciate the great efforts of our teachers to keep their students learning in these difficult circumstances.
It has come to my attention that finger pointing is increasing on Social Media regarding the spread of Covid-19. It is in my opinion inacceptable and even reprehensible. We need to be united in combatting this disease by following AHS guidelines: frequent hand washing and sanitizing, staying 2 meters or 6 feet apart from each other, properly wearing a good mask and handling it according to AHS protocol, staying at home if feeling sick, getting tested if sick or having been in contact with someone affected by the disease, following proper quarantine guidelines and avoiding house parties or large gatherings. And when going shopping, please respect the expected rules of the shops you enter in, to protect their employees and other shoppers. It should not become a bone of contention. Let us all do our part with a willing heart.
Furthermore, let us not politicize nor racialize the Covid-19 pandemic. Guidelines are inconvenient to some who rather not follow the rules. It is unfortunate, as they may be carriers and transmitters without their own knowledge. Let us be grateful for all those who follow the proper protocols for the benefit of those around them and the collective wellbeing of our joint communities. Together we can make our communities healthier and safer by adhering to the AHS guidelines. A collective effort is what is required to beat this disease out of our health region. Vaccination clinics are increasing to offer the immunization to all those who want it. Go online on AHS site or call 811 for an appointment. Take advantage of this opportunity if you so wish. I will.
Let us be kinder to each other, and more compassionate towards those who are sick with the disease or quarantined because of it. Let us not become the judge for their afflictions. Let us help each other through these very difficult times.
Be safe, be healthy and enjoy the outdoors!
Mayor Kronen